Directions to Daniels Resort:
From Connecticut: I-84 West to Promised land Exit PA Route 390. Turn left onto 390 south to Canadensis intersection with route 447. Turn right onto Route 447 for 1/2 mile. Turn left into Daniels Resort.
From Ohio: I-80 East to left-hand exit Scranton exit Route 380. First exit off 380 at Pocono exit Route 940. Follow 940 East through Mount Pocono to Route 390 North (soon after Taco Bell). Follow 390 North 6 miles into Canadensis intersection of Route 447. Turn left at light onto Route 447 North for 1/2 mile. Turn left into Daniels Resort.
From Maryland: Route 81 North to Route 78 East. Route 78 turns into Route 22 (bear right) East towards Allentown. Take Route 33 North Pocono exit. Follow 33 North towards Bartonsville. Bear left onto Route 80 West to Scotrun exit. Turn left onto Route 611 North to Mount Pocono. Turn right onto 940 East. Follow 3 miles turn left onto 390 North (soon after Taco Bell). Follow 390 North 6 miles into Canadensis intersection of Route 447. Turn left at light onto Route 447 North for 1/2 mile. Turn left into Daniels Resort.
From New York City: I-80 West into PA. After toll bridge, one mile take exit 309, Marshalls Creek. Turn left onto Route 447 North. Follow 447 north for 20 miles into Canadensis (watch for tricky turns on Route 447). Go 1/2 mile past light, turn left into Daniels Resort.
From Philadelphia: Northeast Extension to Pocono exit to Route 940 east. Follow 940 East through Mount Pocono to Route 390 North (soon after Taco Bell). Follow 390 North 6 miles into Canadensis intersection of Route 447. Turn left at light onto Route 447 North for 1/2 mile. Turn left into Daniels Resort.
If you have trouble finding us please call 800-755-0300 or (570) 595-7531