Eulogy of Anna M McCann
Anna-Hebrew: Gracious
Our Anna-Gentle Woman, Simple Woman. Devoted and Loving daughter of the late John and Teresa McGowan. Loyal and Kind sister of John and Joe. Special Friend of Joe and Violet. Easy-going yet Strict, teacher, disciplinarian, Mother of : Alma Marie Ann McCann, Joseph Gregory Felix McCann, Michael John Patrick Henry...O'Leary McCann, Elaine Janice Cynthia McCann, Steven Mathew Joseph McCann, Joanne Rebecca Michelle McCann (you knew you were in BIG trouble when Mom said your entire name in that stained gritted teeth voice.)
NOW, Who is ANNA?
She was everyone's Mom! She was Eeveryone's friend! Friend or Foe, She treated everyone the same-with Respect and Dignity, but most of all with Kindness and Love! "And the Greatest of all...is Love!" She lived the life of a true Christian, She is God's child: She was made in the image of God, and She characterized the part perfectly. Everyone loved Anna, because She loved all who entered her life! She loved life and made the best of her life despite her trials and tribulations. Through her actions, She showed everone how to make the best out of the life you were given. "it's not what happens to yhou in life, it's what you do with what happens to you that matters."
Anna's deep Faith, couldn't help, but penetrate everyone she came in contact with. There was no need for her to preach, because she taught through her incredible actions! Anna never had an unkind word for anyone she met!
Mom, like so many women of her generation, never considered it a sacrifice to stay home with the six of us children. We were quited a handful! While Dad was out working several jobs to support our family, She was the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. If anyone were to ask Mom how she managed to raise all of us with Dad Working most of the time, I am sure she would have "looked up: and said "on my knees!"
Anyone that knew Mom and called her Mom were trained to "Never leave without giving her a Kiss ande a Hug" Even if there was a disagreement. "No-one was to leave angry!" We would agree to disagree!
A beloved memory of mom is the trips to the Shrine of "Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal". Mom was so devoted to Our Lady and the Rosary. Mom would take a crowd of us and the neighborhood kids by bus. Sometimes just one of us would go with Mom and she would make us feel so Special! It was then that we would get a chance to go to the store in the basement and purchase a medal, Holy card or something! She would count out all her change and always seemed to have enough for all of us to go on the bus. I, like many of us really loved goin to the Shrine. It is a beautiful Shrine!
By praying to "Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal:, we are promised the "Grace of a Happy Death"!
If I would have one wish, I would aspire to follow in her footsteps!
Anna, Mom, Grandmom, Grammy may be gone from our sight, but She will never be gone from out HEARTS!!!! Her LOVE will remain with us forever!!
Mother, teacher, friend
You taught me to love what i have not to long for what i want. My strenght comes from you.
Through you I learned how to treat others with respect, displaying common courtesies that are not as common toaday as they should be.
Your gentle smile taught me to laugh...
Your soft touch taught me to be sensitive...
Your faith taught me to believe...
Your forgiveness taught me to be thoughtful...
Your thoughts taught me to look towards the future...
Your warm hugs taught me compassion...
Your sweet kiss taught me to love...
Your open mind taught me to be accepting...
Your kind words taught me to heal...
Your eyes taught me to see the goodness in life...
Your tiredness taught me all of these wonderful traits to help me let you go. In every action that I do there will alsays be a subtle reminder of you.
I am proud to be your son. Thank you for the tools you have given me. With these tools I have built a family of my own. Just as you shared your precious gifts with me I will share them with my family, because these gifts should not be stored away in a vault under lock and key, but should be spent daily so all the world will know of the wealth you possess.
With all my Love, I will miss you!