Nicholas Robert Pisano |
His Shining Light
Written b y Barbara Pisano
Guided by Nicholas Pisano
He was a lover of animals big or small
They flocked to him whenever they heard him call
His rap touched all that heard him sing
Lately his songs were about his Creator and King
If you listened he was trying to tell you a story
Not about life on the streets but of majestic gliory
His faith grew stronger with each new word he wrote
For he knew God was using him with his penned Holy notes
Nicky is telling you, be ready when he calls your name
Your salvation is precious and no small game
The time is now to call on Him
Let your light shine bright and never dim
For its simple you see, we all must die
But everlastin life is the goal most high
That's when we'll all be together, if you call on the Lord
He came to save us from ourselves. He allowed his blood to be poured.
So enter the race, i call tell you it's great.
The Lord chose me and took me, I wasn't too late
He worked on me feverishly and ushered me in
Now it's your time to follow, turn away from sin
If I've left you with anything, i hope
it is this
Seek you Saviour and God, it is heavenly bliss
I, Nicholas Pisano, pray to my God, the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth, whose seed was in itself the Son of the most High that not unwillingly but fort our sake through mercy and love, faced the wrath of the Father.
He sent His own son, who was crushed for our sake, that we might be saved through His grace
What am i without my Lord? For I am nothing without the Lord, though I am alive, now i'm dead. But with Hime, even in death is life and through Him, the Lamb without blemish, the only name under heaven through mercy and His love, not our love but His love, His generosity which give life freely. And blessed am I, that He even alloowed me to hear His Word and deserves all glory. For glory is He and His glory will not be given to another nor should be. He, the Creator of wisdom, He created love. He created life, He created all. His word accomplished whatever God set it to. He spoke me into existence. I pray to the Most High and the Son, who are one. The Son has always been. I hear your voice through your word and follow for you are my shepherd, my Father, my Creator, the King of Kings, my Saviour. I beg for mercy because without your mercy not one can stand before the face of the true God, Who sits on the throne.
Our life is burt a vapor which vanishes but His life is an everlastin kingdom. Forgive me for I know not what I do. The only place my soul is safe is with You. Who can stop the hand of the Lord or who can stop His will. No other name under heaven can deliver me.
My God's hand can not be held back, nor His will. His word will not tarry.